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Q.1 Define Innovation. Explain different types of Innovation. Briefly explain the external and internal factors which influence innovation.
a) Define the concept of innovation Explain four types of innovation b) Explain the external and internal factors which influence innovation.
Answer -
The process of translating an idea or invention into a good or service that creates value or for which customers will pay.
To be called an innovation, an idea must be replicable at an economical cost and must satisfy a specific need. Innovation involves deliberate


Q.2 What is the link between Technology Development and Competition?
Link between Technology Development and Competition

Link between Technology Development and Competition
There is a strong bond between technology development and competition. To reach a strong position in the market and maintain high level of profitability, an organization needs to have a strong sense

Q.3 Technology has changed the society so much. If you agree, then in what way it has changed the business? What are the positive and negative impacts of Technology on business and society?
a) Positive impact of technology on Business and society b) Negative impact of technology on business and society.
Answer -
 Positive impact of technology on Business and society-
Technology can be viewed from various perspectives. It greatly impacts the functionality of organizations. Despite being an effective tool, the organization must monitor the changes in the structures in technology. In today’s world, integration of technology is the hot topic among business

Q.4 What are the requirements of Knowledge Management Tools? What are the different Knowledge Management Tools that are available for organizations?
a) Requirements of Knowledge Management Tools. b) Tools available for Knowledge Management.
Answer -
Requirement of Knowledge Management Tools

Knowledge management helps to empower individuals with integration, understanding and learning of information, and enables them to transform the available data and information into knowledge. Thus,

Q.5 What is Technology assessment? Discuss the methodology of Technology assessment.
a) Technology Assessment b) Methodology of Technology Assessment
Technology Assessment-

In 1967, Emilo Daddario, the US congressman coined the term ‘technology assessment’. He defined it as a form of policy research which provides a balanced appraisal to the policymaker. It is a system to ask the right questions and obtain correct and timely answers. It identifies policy issues, assesses the impact of alternatives courses of action and presents findings. It is a method of analysis that systematically appraises the nature, significance, status and merit of technological progress.’

Q.6 Explain different human factors that affect the technology management in The organization.
Human factors affecting the technology management in organization.


Human Factors Affecting Technology Management

There are a number of critical technological trends affecting the employee– employer relationship that further affects how organizations manage their employees. There are many external and internal

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